NoPixel Oil Company [QB]



NoPixel Oil Company [QB]

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NoPixel scripts , QBcore scripts , nopixel oil company
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  • NoPixel inspired oil company
  • Owning oilwells



  • add oilwell by “/create oilwell” and then place and asign it to a player. (admins)
  • or use ‘oilwell’ item to spawn oilwell

Step 0:

  • import sql.sql in your database

Step 1:

** qb-core shared items.lua

["oilbarell"] = {
		["name"] = "oilbarell",
		["label"] = "Oil barell",
		["weight"] = 15000,
		["type"] = "item",
		["image"] = "oilBarrel.png",
		["unique"] = true,
		["useable"] = false,
		["shouldClose"] = true,
		["combinable"] = nil,
		["description"] = "Oil Barrel"
["oilwell"] = {
		["name"] = "oilwell",
		["label"] = "Oilwell",
		["weight"] = 50000,
		["type"] = "item",
		["image"] = "oilwell.png",
		["unique"] = false,
		["useable"] = true,
		["shouldClose"] = true,
		["combinable"] = nil,
		["description"] = "Oilwell"
["reliefvalvestring"] = {
	["name"] = "reliefvalvestring",
	["label"] = "Relief Valve String",
	["weight"] = 4000,
	["type"] = "item",
	["image"] = "relief_valve_string.png",
	["unique"] = false,
	["useable"] = true,
	["shouldClose"] = true,
	["combinable"] = nil,
	["description"] = "Relief Valve String"
["oilfilter"] = {
	["name"] = "oilfilter",
	["label"] = "Oil Filter",
	["weight"] = 5000,
	["type"] = "item",
	["image"] = "oil_filter.png",
	["unique"] = false,
	["useable"] = true,
	["shouldClose"] = true,
	["combinable"] = nil,
	["description"] = "Oil Filter"
["skewgear"] = {
	["name"] = "skewgear",
	["label"] = "Skew Gear",
	["weight"] = 6000,
	["type"] = "item",
	["image"] = "skew_gear.png",
	["unique"] = false,
	["useable"] = true,
	["shouldClose"] = true,
	["combinable"] = nil,
	["description"] = "Skew Gear"
["timingchain"] = {
	["name"] = "timingchain",
	["label"] = "Timing Chain",
	["weight"] = 7000,
	["type"] = "item",
	["image"] = "timing_chain.png",
	["unique"] = false,
	["useable"] = true,
	["shouldClose"] = true,
	["combinable"] = nil,
	["description"] = "Timing Chain"
["driveshaft"] = {
	["name"] = "driveshaft",
	["label"] = "Drive Shaft",
	["weight"] = 5000,
	["type"] = "item",
	["image"] = "drive_shaft.png",
	["unique"] = false,
	["useable"] = true,
	["shouldClose"] = true,
	["combinable"] = nil,
	["description"] = "Drive Shaft"

Step 2:

** qb-core shared jobs.lua

['oilwell'] = {
        label = 'Oil Company',
        defaultDuty = true,
        offDutyPay = false,
        grades = {
            ['0'] = {
                name = 'Oilwell Operator',
                payment = 50
            ['1'] = {
                name = 'Oilwell Operator tier 2',
                payment = 75
            ['2'] = {
                name = 'Event Driver tier 2',
                payment = 100
            ['3'] = {
                name = 'Sales',
                payment = 125
            ['4'] = {
                name = 'CEO',
                isboss = true,
                payment = 150

Step 3: tooltip

  • in qb-inventory\js\app.js find FormatItemInfo() there is if statement like: if ( == “id_card”)
  • track where all of elseif statments are ended then add code below.
else if ( == "oilbarell") {
	$(".item-info-title").html("<p>" + itemData.label + "</p>");
	$(".item-info-description").html("<p>Gal: " + + "</p>" + "<p>Type: " + + "</p>" + "<p>Octane: " + + "</p>");